Saturday 18 June 2011

At last... i did my decision...

Hye semua..

Akhirnya aku membuat my final decision.. harap kali ini tidak terselingkuh lagi. huhu. Actually time aku menulis ni br je sampai dr jb. now kat jengka. semlm for the last time aku masuk singapore as worker.. a few thing to settle b4 leaving NUH. Smlm sempat jugak bawa mak p jln around Singapore.. sempat lah pergi Buhgis Junction, bugis street and the merlion. n not forget the marina bay sands.
Now, perlu pandang ke depan. nk looking for my new career.. hope everything will fine. doakan kami. bagi sesaper yg rase dilupakan mintak maaf yer....

Wednesday 15 June 2011

The Last Good Bye by Cal Kyle

no i don't know what i've become
a monster behind a rifle
or a hero to the people
exchange our youth for their freedom
and they don't even want it

I can't beleieve i'm leaving
it finally starts sinking
something i've tried denying
something i must face as my reality

It has sunk
I may never return home
I see the stress building
in the eyes of my friends and family

This good bye could be my last
sad realization of regrets I never felt like admitting
unfinished business
and god is my witness
This could be my last

we stand together
but we're all alone
biting my tongue I try to hold back
and shelter the reality

but this is my reality
and is something each of us must face
all of us have thought it
this could simply be
my last good bye 

Tuesday 7 June 2011

No title

 terdetik lak hr ni nk show makanan yg mkn semlm,... ni santapan sebelom gi keje 

Otak otak .... yum yum... nice to try... 
Makanan senang nk dpt kat Johor kan.. tp kalo da jumpe selalu pun boring gak,,,hihi

                                                        Nasi goreng kampung yg pedas. huh

Sunday 5 June 2011

Layan lagu lorr

huhu,, sekali sekala layan lagu berjiwa ni ok gak..beri mase utk berfikir,,, tenang....

Saturday 4 June 2011

Jem Singapore - Malaysia

siot nyer hari ku yg teruk 4 Jun 2011.. akan ku ingat sampai bile2. aku kerja pagi masuk jam 7 actually. pergi naik kete la ngan kawan konon budget nk sampai umah awal. abis keje jam 3 jer trus la aku tunggu kawan ni kat kete. Then kami bertolak blk dr hospital jam 4.
Perjalanan dr hospital ke checkpoint S'pore ok jer.. then,, after msuk jer imigration.. bermula ceritanyer ... jem sey...almost 4 jam mase dihabiskan dlm kete yg besa hanya amik mase 30-40 minit utk sampai ke umah.. apepeun sajer nk berkongsi,,,huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

                                           Turn back to Singapore... Singaporian should turmn back.... sey